a place to chat about things I like and do. My vintage bag collection, eating, cooking will feature strongly.
Friday, October 15, 2010
free rice
If you have time to play around on the net, go to www.freerice.com/ and improve your vocab while feeding the hungry.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
beautiful cakes, happy times
Last weekend was my awesome bitchelorette party. My friends and team bride did an amazing job. How gorgeous are these cupcakes made by my very talented friend, Elanya of mad cow catering.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
This recessionista reigns supreme
Check out this site. Crazy and inspiring Marissa was watching "Julie and Julia" and instead of just saying, "the book was better, wanna' get a freezochino?" she decided to do her own one year long, get the creative juices flowing project. She gets one item of clothing a day, mostly from thrift and vintage stores, and works it into something that works for now. So she adds one item of clothing to her wardrobe a day! The kicker is that her budget is $1 per day! Love it!http://newdressaday.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/day-223-142-days-and-141-left-to-go/
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I heart Vivienne Westwood and here's just one reason why
Check out the gorgeous heart shoes! Wooohooo!
Check out the gorgeous heart shoes! Wooohooo!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
This is too much!
So in less than 6 weeks I am going to be a bride! Thrilling, fun, exciting, scary, financially ruining is how I would describe this wedding lark. Even though we've tried to keep it fun and simple and steered as clear of the "perfect day" idea as we can, it has been one of the most intense rides of my life so far. The fact that everyone feels entitled to an opinion of your dress, venue, date, flowers, name, colours, etc, etc I think is set up to ensure that you have a trial run for if you decide to have kids and everyone tells you how to raise them. That's why I totally lost it when I heard of this new reality show on TV, "shedding for the wedding" about losing weight before the "big day"! Yes, I know you're supposed to be "your thinnest ever the week of your wedding", I also know that 1 year on most newly weds have put on 6kgs! For g%d's sake, it's one day, he loves you the way you are. Do me a favour, cut the bride-to-be in your life some slack today. Tomorrow you can tell her that you think she looks better with long/ short/ red/ blonde/ green hair, but for today, just give her a break.
Rant over.
To see some news of this ridiculous (in my opinion) show, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1300956/Sara-Rue-unveils-new-body-losing-3st-5lb.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
Rant over.
To see some news of this ridiculous (in my opinion) show, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1300956/Sara-Rue-unveils-new-body-losing-3st-5lb.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Perfect wedding... don't think so
Have a read of this awesome article on offbeatbride about realizing that the wedding does NOT have to be perfect. I will be cutting this out and pasting on the inside of my eyelids!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday vent
a handy list of hints for anyone looking for a job:
1. Collage is an artform and not a place where you studied
2. Metric is a system of measurement and not the qualification that one obtains at the end of 12 years of schooling
3. A picture of a stack of books, a tree or a scholars hat do nothing to improve your chances of being employed
Thank you. Back to reading $$$%ing applications!
1. Collage is an artform and not a place where you studied
2. Metric is a system of measurement and not the qualification that one obtains at the end of 12 years of schooling
3. A picture of a stack of books, a tree or a scholars hat do nothing to improve your chances of being employed
Thank you. Back to reading $$$%ing applications!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
farmstay jitters
Beloved and I are going away this weekend to a "farmstay" that I found online. Now that it's booked, paid for, i have the map printed and in my bag and we're ready to hit the road straight from the office, i am feeling a little nervous. i hope they don't have a snakepit a ratpit or, g%d forbid, a rock sculpture of God's finger! Happy weekend everybody!
a love affair with t shirts
it's true, there's something really cool about a t shirt that no other item of clothing has. i think that's why most of us have WAY more t shirts than we can ever really make use of. if this is a problem for you... DO NOT go to http://www.teefury.com/ I repeat, DO NOT go! They feature one shirt a day, today's one is a very cool soccer themed t by a South African designer. WOOOHOOOO!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
why have i not seen you here before?
i LOVE this website! http://www.springleap.com/
Crowdsourced T shirts... ice cold. did i mention i heart this website and all their beautiful and crowdsourced things
Crowdsourced T shirts... ice cold. did i mention i heart this website and all their beautiful and crowdsourced things
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Another great blog
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My inner frugalista is kicking up her new (to her) Nine wests in glee
Wow! The Style Exchange Network is my new favourite place in Joburg to shop for not-new clothes. The idea is that you take in the clothes, shoes and accesories that no longer fit you or work with your wardrobe (only those still in good condition, whether they are Mr P castoffs or designer threads). You get most of the money for selling them (when they sell) and you get to checkout and buy lovely things that other style networkers have brought in. It's green, it's fun, it's extremely well organised and there are bargains to be had. Go ahead and check it out. http://www.stylexchangenetwork.co.za/Style_Exchange_Network/Welcome.html
What fun!
What fun!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Probably the coolest wedding website yet
Tracy found this awesome Canadian website called Off Beat Bride. http://www.offbeatbride.com/
bad bad blogger
I have been so wrapped up in other things, like my Easter holiday and my new job, that I have not been blogging. I will write myself a strongly worded letter about this.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Talented Robyn
Yesterday I visited the studio of Robyn de Klerk who is a fashion designer who I met through a friend (thanks Nicola). She had some really great ideas about my wedding dress and also showed me some of her very cool and pretty clothes. She shares space with another talented lady, Tammy, who makes gorgeous handmade jewellery. You should go and see them! A good time to do just that would be next Thursday, 8th April from 3 till 7 when they have a sale evening. They also have a regular sidewalk sale on Fridays and will be having this next Friday too (runs till 4 and then they move back upstairs till 7 again!) They are right next door to 44 Stanley. If you're facing the entrance, go left and up the stairs. If you want to contact Robyn, her mail address is robyndeklerk@gmail.com and she can give you all the details! Have fun!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
you call it sourcing NOT shopping
When you are broke but still want to have the joy of shopping, you call it sourcing and you know that you will only own these bags for the sweetest and briefest moment. I really SOURCED a good few bags last week. Here are some highlights! Watch the blog for details of when and where I will be selling these babies and their friends!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
a vintage burgundy
Just for Tracy (my best customer and most loyal blog reader), I looked through my collection and have found 5 burgundy bags of different descriptions. So here goes.
The top bag is made by Topaz, has one of those cute handles with the press studs so that it can be worn shorter or longer (pictured here in shorter mode). It has 2 main internal pockets, and is lined in grey, it is in perfect condition.
The next bag is a brighter red than the rest, but still a gorgeous winter shade. It is made by Cameo. It is lined in brown and has a shoulder chain in gold tone. It has some scuffs and cracks, looks distressed. This reflects in the price.
Next up is a structured, 50's style bag. It is made by Vitali, lined in brown and in fair condition. It has a short strap, to wear over your forearm.
Last bag is again made by Vitali, it is lined in burgundy with a shoulder chain in gold tone. It is in perfect condition.
Number 5 is the cute ruche fronted clutch pictured a few days ago. Thanks for taking a tour of my collection of burgundy bags!
The top bag is made by Topaz, has one of those cute handles with the press studs so that it can be worn shorter or longer (pictured here in shorter mode). It has 2 main internal pockets, and is lined in grey, it is in perfect condition.
The next bag is a brighter red than the rest, but still a gorgeous winter shade. It is made by Cameo. It is lined in brown and has a shoulder chain in gold tone. It has some scuffs and cracks, looks distressed. This reflects in the price.
Next up is a structured, 50's style bag. It is made by Vitali, lined in brown and in fair condition. It has a short strap, to wear over your forearm.
Last bag is again made by Vitali, it is lined in burgundy with a shoulder chain in gold tone. It is in perfect condition.
Number 5 is the cute ruche fronted clutch pictured a few days ago. Thanks for taking a tour of my collection of burgundy bags!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
wedding shoes
I won't post a pic of my gorgeous wedding shoes as beloved is a follower of my blog, and being the traditionalist that he is, sometimes, does not want to see any part of my outfit before the time. Suffice to say, I have bought them, and I love them! I got them on Friday from a shop called "Wizo Wizebuys nearly new shop". It is in Raedene, and worth a look if you are in the area. So that is one more task off the mammoth list! Yesterday we went to the Oriental Plaza for beloved to look for a suit for the big day. He didn't find one, but I am quite impressed that with 6 months to go, he is probably closer to an outfit than I am!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
a new and old clutch
I have bought quite a few bags recently to replenish my stock. This one is a new favourite. It is a burgundy clutch in very good condition. Will post the others as soon as I have taken their photos.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
mr Blahnik, I presume?
A friend of mine recommended a visit to Annabel's vintage in Westcliff, and so off I went late last week. It is housed in the most beautiful space inside a home set in a garden that made me want to break out a lawn chair and a jug of Pimm's. There is a mix of new and pre-loved clothing, mostly more up to date than (what I call) vintage, all very good stuff and nothing that looked like it had been worn more than twice! The space is airy and everything is laid out in pristine fashion, which is definitely not what I am used to in the Joburg world of vintage. There were some lovely handbags, did not look at the sunglasses but there looked to be a great collection. The very best bit is the shoes. Dior, Chloe, Valentino, Manolo Blahnik, Prada, Jimmy Choos. Seriously well priced, seriously gorgeous. Your inner Carrie will go wild! If you want to visit (and you really should!), best to call ahead on +27 11 486 2600
pretty Hungarian purse
I really love this little purse with all its flowers and curliques. The clasp also has gorgeous black stones (unfortunately you can't see them in the pic). The details are magic and I suppose that is what I love about vintage! It has a label inside telling me that it was made in Hungary. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. That's all.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Found things
I have developed a small obsession with found items. Weird and wonderful whatnots that lie around in tiny boxes because you never know what to do with them and they are too pretty/whatever to throw in the landfill (I mean, bin). I have started to collect these odd buttons, broken earrings, beads, etc and put them in a pretty bag. The intention is that I will find time to thread them together and make something strangely beautiful or at the very least strangely strange. NOTE: Thank heavens, this obsession has not gone as far as saving fuzzy tic tacs that I find in the bottom of vintage bags. Although, to be honest, if that ever happens, I won't tell.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
something sushi
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Goodbye sweet Corde
I sold this bag on the weekend. Though I do love it, I believe it has gone to a good home. It's an English brand called Corde, and these are really interesting bags made with a material that is corded in various geometric shapes. I reckon this one is from the 50's. I saw one exactly like it in chocolate brown on an English website, and nearly fell off my chair at the price. How easy would it be to get through customs with a suitcase full of vintage handbags, do you think?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I heart junksale
So yesterday was the junksale @ deerhunter which is a very cool shop in Greenside, Johannesburg. When you walk over their threshold, you feel like you slipped on a banana peel and fell into your 80's fantasy toybox. Its all kinds of awesome. Once a month they invite other vintage dealers to sell outside their shop and make a little street market vibe. I think this is the best example of "co-opetition" that I have ever seen, invite people vying for the same customers and everyone benefits: customers and sellers! Yesterday was a slow-ish day, but I still sold a few beautiful bags and some vintage gloves which will make some faces very smiley. I bought a very cute brooch (Pic above) from a girl who handmakes very funky jewellery. I wish I had bought a black long sleeved dress, I will have to pop along to the shop on Monday and see whether it's still there. My friends and family (Sam and Maya, pic) also came by to say hi♡! All in all a fun day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
boo for colds and snotty noses!
I am so sick of having a cold. I wish I could lie in bed all day, drink whiskey and wipe my crimson nose on these beautiful tissues. But instead I will go around and infect others.... there, I feel better already.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Pearls all over (not real ones, or I could retire)
Let me start by saying that most people who blog seem to take really great photos, and I do not (even though I have the world's cutest and pinkest camera to enable me to do just that!). Anyway, I love this bag in real life! It is cream (as I am sure you can see even in this picture) and has pearly beads everywhere. The handles click together when they close in a way that says, "right, I'll be off then!"
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Vintage store alert!
I found a gorgeous store yesterday, and a vintage store in Johannesburg is NEWSWORTHY, dammit! It has all manner of gorgeous things, some clothes, some very beautiful bags (mostly collector's items, good skins: snake, croc, etc), lovely furnishings and decor items. To do it justice, you would need at least an hour or two. So I will be going back soon. Silly me, I forgot to get the name of the place but it's just off Beyers Naude. I parked at Impala (the great fruit and veg place) and walked across the road from there. Lovely, pay them a visit!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Creamy Leather
Here's another clutch. It is cream leather and in remarkably good condition. One of those that I bought and it was still stuffed with newspapers wrapped in tissue paper so the newspaper doesn't stain the inside of the bag. It amazes me what good care people took of their things before things were mass produced and cheap and (mostly) poorly made. Strangely, this bag is unlined. As I have a fair number of clutches, this one is up for grabs! Happy weekend!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Distress Call
I really love this clutch and may cry when someone buys it from me. It is navy blue and really distressed looking. I think this makes it super cool. It will go to a good home for a good price.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentine's stamped wrapping
I was really pleased with how beloved's gift (an Arctic Monkeys CD) looked after I gave it the plain coloured paper and stamps treatment, found a cool quote and added a button. Cute as a .... well I thought so!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Google Doodles
Of all the things I love about the net, google doodles are up there with the best. This is when google changes their homepage and logo for the day to mark an occasion. They currently have some for the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Very cool (the doodle and the weather I am sure.) Check it out at http://www.google.com/ , you can of course also google and find all the doodles of the past. Classic!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Love the weekend
There are so very many reasons to love the weekend and just one of them is that www.postsecret.com gets new posts every Sunday. This has to be one of the coolest sites ever (also the largest ad free site on the web). If you have never been there, please proceed immediately.
On the subject of sites I love, check out Hugh MacLeod's fantastical cartoons, especially the LOVE series at www.gapingvoidgallery.com . Beyond awesome!
Happy weekend! Happy Valentine's Day!
On the subject of sites I love, check out Hugh MacLeod's fantastical cartoons, especially the LOVE series at www.gapingvoidgallery.com . Beyond awesome!
Happy weekend! Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
the beads and the beautiful
this tiny pic does not really do justice to the beauty of this bag. it's an awesome muberry-ish colour satin inside, with the same colour sequins on the outside and then browny-gold beads all over it. just looking at it makes me want to go to the opera or somewhere glam!
so shiny it hurts
welcome the newest bag in my collection. I really love a structured bag and one that is big enough to carry a decent size notebook and a shotgun in it. This one almost fits the bill! On the downside, if you carry it over your forearm, which I am wont to do, the wooden handles can pinch almost as hard as my niece!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
the start of the beginning
After threatening to start a blog for almost a year, the day has arrived. And what a beautiful sunny day it is. A good day! Hello blogosphere, imagine how great it will be when I know what I am doing!
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